Can we Sell What we Use?Early in my journey at my current company, I heard complaints about the lack of robust testing and validation options.Mar 28, 2024Mar 28, 2024
Published inBootcampFaster is Not Always BetterMake the ice cream, not the cherry.Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023
A Love Letter to my Product Management HelpersThis is a love letter. It is to my dear product management friends who led me through the winding journey up to the current phase in my…Jan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023
The Internal Product Breakdown“What do you do for work?” is probably the most loaded question I can get in a social situation. While the practice of product management…Dec 14, 2022Dec 14, 2022
When Scoping Doesn’t HappenI was a little too trusting. And I regret it. Normally I’m an overly suspicious PM who does lots of due diligence when saying yes to a…Dec 9, 2022Dec 9, 2022
The Importance of Asking “Why?”I manage an internal data pipeline. Essentially the product is ensuring smooth content production for the company’s flagship product…Oct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022
Surviving Return to Work as a First Time Parent During a Global PandemicI will start this article with three caveats: 1)The content is framed from my personal experience, so it is unique and may not directly…Dec 10, 2021Dec 10, 2021